Buccaneer Motor Sports Club. Club Rules.
1. Title. a) The Club shall be called The “Buccaneer Motor Sports Club”, hereafter referred to as the Club.
2. Affiliation. a) The Club shall be affiliated to Motorsport UK and any other relevant organising body as approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3. Object. a) The object of the Club shall be to promote motorsport in accordance with the rules and policies of Motorsport UK, provide competent officials for Motorsport UK and other events, protect the interests of motorsport and promote the pastime of motoring.
4. Membership. a) The membership year shall be from 1st June to 31st May. b) Full membership of the Club shall be open to any person(s) interested in motorsport, subject to acceptance. c) Anyone applying for membership of the Club will be deemed not to be a member until an acceptance has been issued by the Club. d) All new applications will be approved by a membership sub-committee before they are accepted. e) Furthermore, first time applicants will enter a probationary period of 6 months from the date of their first acceptance. f) Within this period of probationary membership the new member will be observed by members of the membership sub-committee. g) In most cases the probationary member will automatically become a full member at the end of their probationary period. h) However should a probationary member, in the view of the membership sub-committee, fail to meet the standards expected of the Club (set out hereafter in Rules 9a to f) then full membership may be declined without right of appeal. i) All members will be entitled to a Club card. j) The membership sub-committee shall be formed by the Chairman, Secretary, Vice Chair and one other member of the Committee. k) The Committee may award discretionary membership for a period not to exceed one year. l) The Committee may award honorary membership to anyone who in the view of the Committee has demonstrated exemplary service to motorsport over a prolonged period
5. General Meetings a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM), of which at least twenty one days notice shall be given by the Secretary, shall be held for the purpose of holding elections for the Committee, receiving reports from Committee role holders and a statement of accounts covering the previous year. b) Any full member wishing to include any matter on the Agenda for any meeting shall notify the Secretary in writing at least fourteen days before the meeting. c) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened either by the Committee or on written requisition of not less than one fifth of the full membership. d) Twenty one days notice shall be given to all full members of the date and purpose of the meeting. e) A Quorum for a General Meeting shall be the number of full members equal to 25% of full members rounded down and must include one of the following; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. f) Postal/electronic voting will be allowed for general meetings. g) Voting forms shall be sent to all full members no later than 11 days before the AGM. h) Electronic/postal votes must have been received by the Club secretary no later than 24 hours before the meeting to be added to those received at the meeting. i) Decisions put to the vote must be carried by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. j) Elections of Committee members will be on the basis of the highest number of votes received. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote. k) The Club may only be dissolved by an Extraordinary General Meeting.
6. Committee. a) A Committee shall be elected consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Marshal and Safeguarding Officer. b) The roles of Chief Marshal and Safeguarding Officer may be held by any Committee member (except the Chair and Vice Chair) irrespective of whether they already hold another role. c) Up to twelve full members may be elected to the Committee to enable it to properly conduct the business of the Club. d) Individual membership of the Committee will automatically lapse at the next AGM and members will be automatically eligible for election unless they notify the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the AGM of their decision not to stand for election. e) New applications for Committee roles shall be received by the Club secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM. f) Only full members aged 18 or over shall be eligible to stand for Committee membership. g) The Committee may fill vacancies at any time using co-option. h) The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees and to make supplementary rules for the management of the Club and for any special purposes. i) The Committee will appoint a lead organiser for each Motorsport UK permit event that it organises. j) The Committee may decide on the interpretation of these rules or anything relative to the Club not provided for herein, and take whatever action they deem necessary for the good of the Club, which is not inconsistent with these rules. k) The decision of the Committee shall be final. l) The Secretary will be responsible for the Club’s compliance with privacy and data protection requirements
7. Committee Meetings a) Any number of Committee meetings may be held per annum (but at least one), for which at least fourteen days notice will be given by the Secretary to all Committee Members. b) The Club's definition of a Quorum for Committee Meetings shall be at least half of the Committee members rounded down and must include one of the following; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. c) Only Committee members are entitled to vote at a Committee meeting and the meeting chair shall have a casting vote only. d) Decisions put to the vote shall be carried by a straight majority.
8. Financial a) The financial year of the Club ends on the 31st May. b) The annual membership subscription of the Club shall be determined by the Committee and presented at the AGM. c) New members who join more than half way through the year shall be offered half price membership for the remainder of that year. d) Two Committee members shall be nominated to sign cheques on the Club’s general accounts or agree electronic banking payments. e) The organisers of any event that maintains its own bank account shall, with the approval of the Committee, appoint members of the event sub-committee to sign cheques on those accounts. f) If a resolution of dissolution is carried, the Committee shall liquidate forthwith the affairs of the Club, and if there are any surplus assets of realisation these shall be disposed of according to the direction of the Extraordinary General Meeting. g) The accounts shall be audited on at least a three yearly basis by an independent person appointed at a meeting of the Committee.
9. Conduct of Members. a) The Club expects members to at all times: i. Abide by these rules, those of Motorsport UK and the FIA, ii. Respect the decisions of Club and event officials, iii. Treat all competitors, marshals, officials and other Club members equally and with respect. iv. Conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times and always behave in the best interests of the Club and UK motorsport in general. b) Any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct deemed detrimental to the Club by the Committee, shall render a member liable to expulsion by the Committee, provided that the member has had notice of the proceedings before such Committee Meeting. c) A member expelled under this rule shall forfeit all claims against the Club and its property. d) Further, such a person may have the right of appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting providing they give written notice to do so within 7 days of the Committee decision. e) The decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be final. f) The Committee may remove from the list of members any member whose subscription is more than one month in arrears, but may reinstate such a member on payment of all outstanding arrears. 10.Safeguarding Policy a) The Club operates in accordance with the Motorsport UK Safeguarding Policy
11.Cadet Marshals a) The Club operates in accordance with the Buccaneer Motor Sports Club Cadet Marshal Policy, see appendices A & B.
12.Alteration of Rules a) Any alteration may be made to these rules provided that details of the proposed alteration is included in the notice of a General Meeting and the resolution proposing such alteration is carried by two-thirds of those voting.